Particularly in seasons characterised by lovely weather, there are many benefits to holding an event outdoors. Additionally, the Australian climate is an excellent reason to capitalise on the possibility of enjoying an outdoor event. 

If you’re bored of your usual sit-down dinner or pub lunch, then bring the party to your own backyard! There are plenty of great reasons why you should! Thankfully, Fraser’s makes it possible to hold an outdoor event for you confidently. Here are a few tips before you start planning for an outdoor event: 

Plan the location of your outdoor catering in advance. 

At least one week before your event, get to know the venue. Ask permission to shoot pictures and films while you are renting an outside area. Give it a walk-through, whether you’re utilising a park or your backyard as the location. Please note how many guests it can accommodate comfortably, where the seating should be, and any special considerations, such as a slope or a marshy region you don’t want to come too close to. 

Ward off the bugs  

Nothing takes the fun out of an exciting event like everyone’s least favourite uninvited guest: mosquitoes and other bugs. Prepare for and ward off these creepy crawlers and flying dangers in advance. Keep citronella candles on hand, and be ready to give out bug spray to anyone who requests it. As an aside, you might as well get a few bottles of sunscreen while you’re out. 

You may even plant some lavender or rosemary in advance if you have access to a garden (or bring the herbs out in potted containers). These plants naturally ward against insects!

Prepare for unexpected weather. 

It still pays to check the weather forecast before your event, even if you’re fortunate enough to live somewhere where it’s sunny and clear for most of the year. Your visitors will appreciate it if you are ready for heat, cold, wind, and precipitation, even if the forecast is the exact definition of paradise. 

What does that imply for a catering-equipped outdoor event? You should offer shade, heaters, and, if feasible, a backup location in inclement weather. 


Are you looking for some out-of-the-box ideas to make your outdoor event a success? 


Hire food trucks 

You may hire several food trucks to provide outdoor event catering rather than serving the same cuisine you always do. When everyone is moving between food trucks and queuing, it provides a great conversation starter among your guests and makes it simpler to interact and socialise. Like finger buffets, the actual food is perfect for outdoor parties because it doesn’t call for many utensils.

Plan the menu around the guests. 

Although we’ve advised you to take a risk and try something new, you don’t want to go too far. Always make an effort to provide something to everyone. It’s challenging to satisfy everyone to the same extent. Still, if there are vegans or other people who follow strict diets, you must also make accommodations for them if you want everyone to enjoy themselves.

Consider a theme for your event. 

An outdoor event with catering is the perfect opportunity for you to have that fun theme party you’ve always wanted to throw. From garden parties to country hoedowns, the options are endless.

Make it fun! 

Invite visitors to play outdoor games. Purchase lawn games like corn hole, get creative and build a life-size Jenga set, or, if you have the space, set up a grass volleyball court. It wouldn’t be a celebration without some music. To start the party, create a playlist of 50–100 timeless summertime songs.

Did you forget the drinks? 

If you’re planning an outdoor event, you must stay hydrated; every great season get-together needs chilled drinks. Start brainstorming a signature drink like fresh-squeezed lemonade or a crafted cocktail.  

Separate bottled and canned drinks accordingly and mark the kid’s cooler. Don’t forget to purchase extra ice! C’mon, the last thing you want to do is step out of your party and run to the gas station.

Hang String Lights or Lanterns 

Don’t leave your guests in the dark. All you need is a little fairy lighting. If you’re outside while it’s dark, your eyes will adjust. Just hang a few strands of outdoor string lights on the deck, the fence, and tree branches, and add some hurricane lanterns for that glow. We recommend globe string lights and elegant round bulbs that give a warm glow. This is what you always watch strung overhead at outdoor dinner parties on TV. 

Tip: Use wire cutters to clip old wire hangers into thin U-shaped pegs if you need to run extension wires around the yard (like croquet wickets, but only an inch or two wide). They should then be hammered flush into the ground after being arced over the ropes. 


Australians adore outdoor parties and events! We have a reputation for lighting the grill and throwing amazing parties in the sunshine, now’s the time to start thinking about hosting your events in the fresh air. There’s no reason to hold an event in a stuffy room or even in one that is air-conditioned when Perth has so many outdoor venues like Fraser’s just waiting to be filled up by your clients and staff guests with amazing events and catering services. 

At Fraser’s, we’re sure you’ll agree with most Australians that food seems to taste better when eaten outside, and restaurants already know that (catering outdoors at any opportunity). So, if you’ve got an event coming up over the next few months, take advantage of our sunny climate and make it an outdoor one. 

Now you’ve decided to use our suggestion, let Fraser’s events take you through the best tips for office event catering event in Perth outside. 

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